Level-up your landing game with the handy mod that gives you ultimate speed control

The addition of speed brakes to your Skymaster comes with many benefits to help you have more control, maneuverability, and faster descents without a build-up of speed for smoother landings, decreased wear-and-tear, and increased safety.

Benefits of speed brakes:

  • Safely double your rate of descent without increasing speed, reducing power, or using landing gear

  • Increase descent control and maneuverability

  • Decrease wear-and-tear on engines, landing gear, and flaps

  • Maintain aircraft maneuvering speed and power without a build-up in speed

  • Reduce engine shock cooling

  • Quickly slow to turbulent air penetration speeds

  • Instantly reduce speed when needed (can be deployed at or near Vne)

Speed Brake Annunciator Lights (under center of glare shield)

Speed Brake Retracted
(Right wing, no drag configuration)

Speed Brake Deployed

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